Welcome to our April Newsletter
Welcome to our first newsletter. We thought it would be a great opportunity for us to share with you all the news that happens at your dental practice.
First and foremost, a huge congratulations to our own dental nurse, Andreea Mogosanu, for successfully being appointed our new Treatment Coordinator.
She will be your first point of contact if you have any queries regarding Implant treatment, Teeth whitening or Invisalign consultations.
Our dedicated dental nurse, Usha is here to help you book a free scanning appointment to discuss any concerns you may have about your teeth.
New Patients
We are currently welcoming new patients here at NHS Dentist. Whether it be for cosmetic dentistry, emergency appointments or routine dental care, we have an appointment for you or anyone you may know who requires a dentist.
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Please contact us via this website or email without disclosing confidential information.