Welcome to our September Newsletter Jane! We are excited to share our latest news and offers with you!
We hope that you are enjoying this Indian summer as much as we are, we don’t mind the delay of autumn and the continuous sunshine so far.
Chloe Has Been Promoted!
A huge congratulations to Chloe who is now our Front of House team leader. Our Front of House Team aim to provide excellent customer service and patient care, they regularly receive great feedback from our patients. Chloe has been with NHS Dentist for many years now and has always dictated the high standard of customer service and care that we aim for. She has a wonderful Front of House team to work with to ensure this ongoing excellence is maintained.
A New Addition!
Another huge congratulations to our dentist, Dr Aya for having her baby boy. Mother and son are doing well. We wish Dr Aya all the best in her journey as a new mum and wish her a wonderful time with Zain on her maternity leave.
As dedicated professionals, staying current with advancements and technological innovations in dentistry is essential to us. At NHS Dentist, each team member creates a personal development plan at the start of the year, which serves as a guide for their growth throughout the year. We are committed to supporting our team in various areas and work closely with industry-leading companies to introduce new, cutting-edge tools that enable us to uphold our high standards of customer service and clinical care.
This month, we had the privilege of hosting a leading software company, Align Technology to train our team on the latest technology, demonstrating how to effectively use it and maximise its benefits for our patients.
At NHS Dentist, our goal is to make a difference in your life. We want to keep your teeth healthy and pain free, prevent any problems from arising, solve them when they do occur and ultimately boost your confidence with a bright smile.
This month we want to showcase one of the many lives we have managed to change by finding a fixed solution to a missing front tooth. This lovely patient lost his front tooth and didn’t want to wear a removable plastic denture. After a thorough assessment with our implant surgeon, treatment commenced where one implant was placed in the upper front. After the required healing time, a crown (tooth) was put on top of the implant restoring his smile.
If you have ever wondered whether dental implants are suitable for you, why not take advantage of our latest offer. Book your free consultation with one of our principal dentists Dr Amir Vahdat and see whether we can help change your smile and life.
For more information, please call us on 0207 610 1110 or e-mail us on treatment@nhsdentist.com. Our latest blog also goes into further detail about dental implants and will be a series of three. Please follow the link below and check it out.
Thank you for reading our newsletter and we hope to see you in person soon!
P.S. Keep an eye out for our Black Friday Deal that is coming next month!
All the best,
The team at NHS Dentist
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